Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lena Dunham: America's Quirky Ishtar with Better Hair

            The biggest trait my girlfriend I share, and what probably makes us such good friends, is that we love when weird things make us feel good. Big-eyed animals take up probably 80% of our Facebook messages. We also enjoy the handful of hipster cartoons that have popped up in recent years (Most of our shared TV time is spent between Adventure Time and Gravity Falls. Otherwise our tastes are on entirely different polarities.) In the past month, however, we’ve found ourselves trading our cartoon lederhosen for HBO’s Girls, a show that, while certainly weird, is built so much around realism that I had to convince myself it wasn’t some very well lit, high quality, Real House-Girls of New York Something-Ruther. There are also boobs. It’s really the perfect thing.

            If my unfinished garage apartment was the world, and my Playstation 3 every governing body therein, I would tell you that Lena Dunham, Girls’ writer, producer, lead and Disney chipmunk is the most important person in the world. My girlfriend and I treat our viewing sessions as rituals (We’re still working through the Season 1 DVD) and like to ingest copious amounts of alcohol to make the whole experience a little… sweeter. With the show’s legion of fans practically from the start, it’s not unlikely that other couples, groups, or creepy stalker dudes have similar rituals. There are times when I think Lena Dunham’s star is so big that she could be more akin to a being of worship, and I mean that in the Tiki / Small Black Statue with a Giant Dick sense, than a talented individual.
            Aside from being just adorable, Lena Dunham is probably the oldest young person I’ve ever heard speak. She has deeply thought out opinions on things like death and sex that other young people are too drunk to think about, and that older people are too old to care about. I can see all her interviews over the next ten years being collected into a 2035 Anthology of Philosophers. She’s got that kind of crazy, and she’s throwing it up all over us.
            While speaking about her grandmother to Rolling Stone, she gave some insight into the importance of work ethic: “How do we ever just sit around loafing if we’re just going to die? How can people take a life and just waste it?” Guys, Benjamin Franklin is back… and he got hot.
            One of Dunham’s definitive traits is her tendency to go buff when playing Hannah Horvath, the rather promiscuous lead in Girls. Critics of the show have called the nudity excessive. I say the same about their presence in any community of living humans. While Dunham herself has said the nudity is present for the purpose of making sex awkward, I believe it can be more enticing than she intends. I wouldn’t be surprised if Girls replaced Barry White as the baby-making ambience for some very small niche group of hipster lovebirds.
            Between the sexual, philosophical, and emotional influence Lena Dunham has on her fans (or maybe just me in particular) Girls is starting to seem more like a religion than a show. Or maybe it’s just good, and Dunham is just one of those Bob Dylan, Jack Kerouac artists with a mind for more than just making money off her product. Yes, I just compared a 26-year-old girl to Bob Dylan. Fuck you.
- Fuju

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