Friday, March 9, 2012

BBS! (Be Back SoMuchDoperThanBefore)

For anyone who follows my youtube channel, you may have noticed a lapse in new videos over the past two months. With college and work, I find I have zero minutes for any sort of comic or rap related goodness. But fear not! I plan to be back better than ever when the summer kicks off (early May, I believe) And the content will be better than ever before:

  • New videos (music and talking)
  • Skits (Have some concepts plotted and a few scripts started)
  • New COMIC-COPS!! (As frequently as time allows. I WILL still have work)

I'll also have a few non-video related projects. My good friend Colin and I have decided to start a podcast. We attempted a first episode a couple weeks ago but neither of us have the time to edit it with our current schedules (And trust me, you do NOT want to hear it in the state it is now.)
On top of that, I'll be working with a few friends for a photo shoot. I haven't decided what I'll do with the finished product, but if I take a liking to a particular shot, it could very well become my mixtape cover (Oh right, MIXTAPE! I'm doing that too.) It's gonna be a busy Summer. Stay tuned, stay true, and EXCELSIOR!

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