Friday, February 24, 2012

Discovering a Legacy

Okay, so truthfully this post should be something like "Rediscovering a Legacy" but I know how much jumbled syllables annoy the masses.... I'm a frikkin rapper.
The past week has brought about a major revelation for me. As people grow, their philosophy tends to change on just about everything. Since I'm merely a person-like robot, my revelations are limited to the worlds of "comic books" and "rap." Every now and then my programming will malfunction and I'll realize something really groundbreaking, but I usually forget it before I can write a controversial novel on the matter.
My most recent realization concerned the world-wide, and most likely intergalactic, phenomenon Star Wars.
Like any well raised nerd, I love the series and everything it represents. As a kid, I would go on about it any time some said they'd seen the movies, without realizing that's pretty much the whole of humanity. Of course, I assume there are a few alien creatures, as well as those dedicated Star Trek fans, that are scarce on the details.
Despite my burning passion for the mythos, I haven't read a Star Wars comic in years. I haven't liked one in even longer. Reading them as a teen, they all seemed like cheap tie-ins that skipped on the quality (I was an asshole in High School.) For the most part I was right, though I see now that my preconceived notions toward "Star Wars comics" as a whole prevented me from seeing the genius of those rare exceptions.
Last Thursday, I picked up "Star Wars: Knight Errant vol. 1" on one of my routine passes through the comic store by my College. There was a sale on all Star Wars trades (collected issues) and the idea of a deal suddenly outweighed my disinterest. I had two hours before my next class, so I managed to finish the whole book. It was awesome.
Suddenly my appetite for Star Wars was reengaged, and it needed to be satisfied faster than I could make it back to the comic book store (There was no time after class.) That night, I pulled "Star Wars: Legacy vol. 1" off of my shelf, a book I hadn't even looked at in four years. I was shocked by new emotions toward the characters and story. I would have thought I was reading a different comic, had I not remembered most of it in detail.
My biases were gone, and though judging comics is world from being relevant to the big picture, it felt good I could get over that hump and shake off that feeling of arrogance that seems to be the emotional petroleum that fuels our opinions as nerds.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Boyfriend vs. Guy Friend. (A Breakdown for Those Who Love Loving)

We often don't think about how hard it is for straight women to find someone. We think "Guys aren't picky. They'll cling to just about anyone" but don't consider certain factors. Do these nonselective suitors live close enough to their would-be girlfriends? And are they even confident enough to do the dance required to go from guy friend to boyfriend? I know I was always terrified of asking a girl out, as I could never read the signals. I don't think any man anywhere in existence really can.

My shyness meant that most of my relationships were arranged. I was often "set up" with a girl through a mutual friend. I can't remember this concept ever seeming strange to me, though looking back, it was the best example of the word I could ever think of. To actually tell someone "She's so nice, you should date her." which is no exaggeration from what I'd hear as a youth, is one of the weirdest things ever.
You'd never hear someone described like that in a regular situation. But shouldn't you? Often times, friends last longer than lovers, and I'd personally like to know if someone was worth it before I let them into my social circle.
In High School, most of the kids had had more lovers than friends, which to me is like saying that you acquired more Heart Pieces in The Legend of Zelda than Rupees (Heart Pieces are scarce, while Rupees can be found just about anywhere). A girlfriend or boyfriend should be something special, and most importantly, something that you don't just pick up because you feel like you could use one.
People often find that the significant other they selected in such haste would suit them better as a friend. WHO'D AH THUNK IT!?! When it comes down to it, I think people, male and female, should be more selective. I mean, there are a thousand Rupees, right? Why not wait for that Heart Piece?